Outlook) (MeetingItem.Reply 方法 發行項 2023/04/07 6 位參與者 意見反應 本文內容 語法 傳回值 另請參閱 從原始郵件建立預設傳送給原始寄件者的回覆。 語法 expression。Reply 表達代表MeetingItem 物件的變數。 傳回值 代表回復的MailItem物件。
表达一个代表MeetingItem对象的变量。 参数 名称必需/可选数据类型说明 响应必需对象为响应原始邮件而发送的新项目。 Cancel必需Boolean(不使用在 VBScript 中)。假的事件发生时。 如果事件过程将此参数设置为True,则不完成答复操作并且不显示新项目。 备注
To choose not to send a response, press D. The selected action is carried out, the meeting invitation is deleted, and if accepted, the meeting is added to yourCalendar. Propose a new meeting time With the meeting request open in Outlook, do one of the following: ...
MeetingItem MeetingItemClass MobileItem MobileItemClass MoveOrCopyRuleAction MoveOrCopyRuleActionClass NameSpace NameSpaceClass NameSpaceEvents NameSpaceEvents_AutoDiscoverCompleteEventHandler NameSpaceEvents_Event NameSpaceEvents_OptionsPagesAddEventHandler NameSpaceEvents_SinkHelper NavigationF...
If ispopout is set to 0, the browser shows the message in the Outlook on the web review pane.The message opens in the browser if you are signed in to your mailbox via Outlook on the web. You are prompted to sign in if you are not already signed in with the brow...
Even if you don't love it... maybe you can try meeting with some locals, see how they celebrate? Don't think of it as missing out a day you love, think of it as getting to experience something new! Keep an open mind! And... if you don't love it. Well, now you know. And...
Insurance Outlook 2030+ White Paper Extract value from your dark data using Google AI White Paper A smarter energy use through quantum optimisation White Paper An AI-driven podcast production platform Case Study Geox takes a step forward with the new website ...
How we set up the framework for the bank’s rapid and game-changing move to public cloud, while also establishing new ways of working and new architectural and security principles. Pervasive Security: a new way of thinking White Paper The Pervasive Security paradigm, created by Reply experts,...
Insurance Outlook 2030+ White Paper Extract value from your dark data using Google AI White Paper A smarter energy use through quantum optimisation White Paper An AI-driven podcast production platform Case Study Geox takes a step forward with the new website ...
Insurance Outlook 2030+ White Paper Extract value from your dark data using Google AI White Paper A smarter energy use through quantum optimisation White Paper An AI-driven podcast production platform Case Study Geox takes a step forward with the new website ...