The organizational structure of open source teams resembles town meetings - small-scale government with minimal hierarchy. (By Redjar, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link) Wikipedia on town meetings: A town meeting is a form of direct democracy in which most or all of the members of a community come togeth...
Telegram is an excellent example here. Teams feels to be an old school app forcing a user to invoke menu first and then select proper action - too time and effort consuming actions for the most demanding function that btw should be in the app from the D...
Calendar Preview in the Message Header of Meeting Invite Calendar sharing - My Organization vs Default Calendar view not saving, showing different shared calendars instead of defaulting to users calendars not syncing when cache mode is on Can I turn off notification sounds for emails with rules th...
"Forum:board:MicrosoftTeams":{"__typename":"Forum","id":"board:MicrosoftTeams","entityType":"FORUM","displayId":"MicrosoftTeams","nodeType":"board","depth":4,"conversationStyle":"FORUM","title":"Microsoft Teams","description":"Use this space for how-to discussions and sharing best ...
As meeting organizer, deleted meeting and now can't cancel or control for attendees Associating a new email account with existing Outlook Profile/Data File Attach a batch file to outlook email for other to run Attaching file from Sharepoint: "An error occurred while updating permissions for......
I'm using Outlook 2010 and our company has just recently gone to the "cloud" with our email via exchange. As the Sender, I notice now when I use the Reply All feature that I am now included in the cc: line on the Reply All message. When I go into the sent folder, I also...
I am creating a new search folder and would like to only display emails that i have sent and not received a response back from. Example: I sent John an email with a question. however, John never responded. I know that in conversation view an arrow appears when someone responds but is...
I'm using Outlook 2010 and our company has just recently gone to the "cloud" with our email via exchange. As the Sender, I notice now when I use the Reply All feature that I am now included in the cc: line on the Reply All message. When I go into the sent folder, I also s...