Looking for Auto Reply Comment Facebook? Get started to automatically send a custom Facebook message to those who comment on your post and ad!
NO LIMITS for comment moderation or for messenger bot: unlimited fan pages, unlimited replies and private messages ALL MODULES ARE INCLUDED IN EACH PLAN: Facebook Autoreply, Messenger Bot, Instagram Autoresponder, FB Contests You DO NOT need you own server and a database to use the software ...
// print_r($postCommentResponseArray); // die();// post reply to comment // $commentId = '17982899548288082'; // $postReplyEndpoint = ENDPOINT_BASE . $commentId . '/replies'; // $postReplyIgParams = array( // 'message' => 'Reply coming from IG Graph API!! :)', // 'access...
获取批注回复的创建时间。 TypeScript 复制 creationDate?: Date; 属性值 Date 注解 [ API 集:ExcelApi 1.10 ]id 指定批注回复标识符。 TypeScript 复制 id?: string; 属性值 string 注解 [ API 集:ExcelApi 1.10 ]mentions 实体(例如注释中提到的人员) 。 TypeScript 复制 mentions?: Excel.C...
JSON.stringify (,反过来,调用toJSON传递给它的 对象的 方法。) 而原始Excel.CommentReplyCollection对象是 API 对象,toJSON该方法返回一个纯 JavaScript 对象, (类型为 Excel.Interfaces.CommentReplyCollectionData) ,其中包含一个“items”数组,其中包含集合项中任何已加载属性的浅表副本。
FacebookMessage(String, IList<FacebookQuickReply>) 建構函式 參考 意見反應 定義 命名空間: Microsoft.Bot.Builder.ConnectorEx 組件: Microsoft.Bot.Builder.dll 套件: Microsoft.Bot.Builder v3.30.0 C# 複製 public FacebookMessage (string text, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Microsoft.Bot.Builde...
通过 Facebook x.com 共享 LinkedIn 电子邮件 打印 PostItemClass.Reply 方法参考 反馈 定义命名空间: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook 程序集: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.dll 这是在处理 COM coclass(托管代码需要此 Coclass 来实现与相应的 COM 对象的互操作性)时创建的 .NET 类或 .NET 类的成员。
301 Composing a new comment for "/" [ Dismiss ] Name/Location (anonymous is fine) Email (will not be published in the clear) Subject Your CommentsSubmit Comments for "/" 2 gigs in 1988 of JBC You've already asked me to share the sound files of two gigs in 1988 several years ago ...
- An auto-reply set up in Facebook is considered as public comment in Zendesk, this can mess with your triggers. - My implementation can get you the responsive badge very quickly, while the official Facebook responder does not count towards that metric. ...
I am referring to replyTo, this is extracted from graph explorer: "toRecipients": [ { "emailAddress": { "name": "", "address": "" } } ],...