replica-read-only 是Redis 配置文件中的一个选项,用于控制副本(replica,也称为从库)是否只能进行读操作。默认情况下,该选项被设置为 yes,意味着副本默认是只读的。这一配置确保了数据的一致性,防止副本因误操作而修改数据。 2. 如何设置 replica-read-only 配置 在Redis 配置文件中(通常是 redis.conf),可以找到...
会拒绝从redis的访问请求 3:replica-read-only:设置从Redis为只读 4:repl-ping-replica-period:设置从redis会向主redis发出PING包的周期, 默认是10秒 5:replica-serve-stale-data:设置当从redis失去了与主redis的连接, 或者主从同步正在进行中时,redis该如何处理外部发来的访问请求 。 如果设置为yes(默认),则从r...
但我这个是单机版,明显不是这个问题。 后来找到一篇,修改配置(redis.conf)replica-read-only yes改为no,重启后正常(有待持续观察)。 这个解决结果有待观察,因为之前连接一直没问题,今天第一次遇到,服务器很长时间都没有变更过。有可能只是重启也能恢复~...
打开redis服务对应的配置文件,把其中的属性slave-read-only的值修改为no,这样就可写了。 或者更快的方法是,通过redis-cli命令打开客户端模式,输入slaveof no one命令,让当前redis服务停止接收其他redis服务的同步,同时把自己升格为主数据库。 &<Common request parameters> Output Example {"Response": {"RequestId":"2d4387ee-2011-449e-a32b-87f9366f3ef4","Status":"OK","TaskId":21312} } ...
The example makes the directory server on host2 a read-only replica. The example uses the dsconfig command, which accesses the server configuration via the administration connector. For more information, see Managing Administration Traffic to the Server. Use the dsconfig command to set the ...
env: version After moving my data directory the tables are read only after restart,delete the directory and restart can't solve it 2024.06.15 18:53:18.609127 [ 147 ] {} <Error> `507594128159150081`.`.inner.log_mv_api_trace_hours...
We have 2 servers, one with standard edition and one enterprise edition of SQL Server. We would like a couple of databases in the standard edition be replicated (for read-only purposes) into the 2nd server with the enterprise edition. Given the…
org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: READONLY You can't write against a read only replica.; nested exception is redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisDataException: READONLY You can't write against a read only replica.
From time to time, when node which stores replica is restarted, replica stucks in ReadOnly state with error(from table system.replicas): Code: 84. DB::Exception: Directory /var/lib/clickhouse/store/1e1/1e16af1b-dcd8-4d1a-9a86-a21f62290d62/detached/covered-by-broken_202311_820132_935806...