Both words come from the Latin verb plēre, meaning "to fill," and both indicate that something contains all that is wanted, needed, or possible. There are some subtle differences in usage, however. Complete applies when all that is needed is present ("a complete picture of the situation"...
replete meaning, definition, what is replete: full of something: Learn more.
replete meaning in Tamil. What is replete in Tamil? Pronunciation, translation, synonyms, examples, rhymes, definitions of replete 0 in Tamil
But these images were precious and full of life, replete with meaning and tender moments and just the plain ordinary great stuff of life. 但这些影像是珍贵的,充满了生命力的,意义丰富的,是一段纤细的时光,是平淡的平常的但又伟大的生活本质。 It is also replete with private-equity money (much...
词典 例句 词条replete在英语 » 中文中的译文 (跳至中文 » 英语) replete[rıˈpliːt]形 1. replete: replete 充实的chōngshíde replete 充满的chōngmǎnde abookrepletewithillustrations 满是插图的书 2. replete: replete 饱食的bǎoshíde ...
This is the place for Countreplete definition. You find here Countreplete meaning, synonyms of Countreplete and images for Countreplete
分享"replete" ‘引用’ 中文翻译由AI生成。查看原文,请访问: Etymology, origin and meaning of replete 移除广告 广告 想移除广告吗?登录查看更少的广告,并成为会员以移除所有广告。 热搜词汇 在replete 附近的词典条目 replaceable replacement replant replay replenish replete repletion replevin replica replicable...
历史上充斥着许多例子,总统们一直对美国公众隐瞒他们的疾病和医疗状况。总统格罗弗·克利夫兰(Grover Cleveland)担心健康状况不佳将是政治上的弱点,于深夜在长岛的一艘私人游艇上进行了秘密口腔外科手术。Did You Know?Given that one of the roots of replete is the Latin verb plēre, meaning "to fill," it...
廣告 想要移除廣告嗎?登入查看更少的廣告並成為會員以移除所有廣告。replete 的趨勢 根據調整。Ngrams可能不可靠。 分享「replete」 ‘引用’ 翻譯由AI生成。查看原文,請訪問: Etymology, origin and meaning of replete 移除廣告 廣告 想要移除廣告嗎?登入查看更少的廣告並成為會員以...
*pele-(1) *pelə-, Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to fill," with derivatives referring to abundance and multitude. It forms all or part of:accomplish;complete;compliment;comply;depletion;expletive;fele;fill;folk;full(adj.);gefilte fish;hoi polloi;implement;manipulation;nonplus;plebe;plebeian...