In the evaluation dataset, there are many unknown environments, different playback, and recording devices and hence difficult to predict whether the audio is a replay or not. Hence the model is trained on both training and development subsets so that it can learn about more environments, recordin...
Experimental results on ASVspoof 2019 dataset show that the proposed model can detect replay attacks accurately. Keywords: replay attack; speaker verification; DCNN; temporal-frequency attention model 1 Introduction With the continuous development of Internet technology and the progress of mobile ...
The ReMASC corpus remainsfree for academic and commercial use, and we no longer require a verification process, you can download the data immediately. Nevertheless, it is highly recommended to sign up to ourmailing listto get the latest news about the dataset. ...
3.1. Image Dataset and Preprocessing Subsystem In this research, we have used the KeFRA-2022 Image dataset [28] of the Ad hoc communication signals of remote keyless entry (RKE) used to lock or unlock doors distantly. Specifically, a key fob, a small handheld remote-control device that cont...