Eklund AC, Turner LR, Chen P, Jensen RV, deFeo G, Kopf-Sill AR, Szallasi Z (2006) Replacing cRNA targets with cDNA reduces microarray cross-hybridization. Nat Biotechnol 24: 1071-1073Eklund, A. C., Turner, L. R., Chen, P., Jensen, R. V., deFeo, G., Kopf-Sill, A. R., &...
aPbroeAoe1lxec)pd.r eePsfofseeocdtled effect estimateass fwoeri gehatcehd msuebangrdoifufepre nacneds woivther9a5l%l ecoffneficdt eanrcee irnetperrveasles n(CteIsd), busyin tghteh edgiaemneorinc dinsv.e Drsea-tvaa raiaren ceexpressed as...
a high proportion of reduced unitTshuenaatvteaniluabatleedtotoctoanljruegfaletciotinona-nfdouerlieecrtrtoranndsefolormcaliinzfartaiorend. (ATR/FT-IR) spectrum of thiomelanin (Figure S23) An intense large band in the oxydril group stretching region (3500 cm−1) was apparent, Int. J. ...