Exit(); not working in the form constructor, why? ApplicationClass can not be embedded? ApplicationSettingsBase.Save() works, but where is the saved data? AppSettings Vs ApplicationSettings Arabic characteres is display with symboles and not understand and not clear why or what change in code ...
I wrote a post back in the Core 1.x-days discussing how to modify response-content via middleware–https://www.billbogaiv.com/posts/using-aspnet-cores-middleware-to-modify-response-body. I may have mistakenly linked to an issue that wasn't exactly the problem I had, but contained a comm...
Version Tested: Family Historian 6.1.4 trial version on Mac OS X using CrossOver 15. Note: portions of text in all capital letters are GEDCOM tags, with the rest of the plain text field name in lowercase. PROS +Has good tools and tips for importing FTM GEDCOMs in the two a...
Exit(); not working in the form constructor, why? ApplicationClass can not be embedded? ApplicationSettingsBase.Save() works, but where is the saved data? AppSettings Vs ApplicationSettings Arabic characteres is display with symboles and not understand and not clear why or what change in code ...
Arabic characteres is display with symboles and not understand and not clear why or what change in code arabic datetime format Are static classes thread safe? Are there any (simple) methods/libraries to recognize similar pictures using C# code? Are there any BIG commercial apps using .NET fram...
Exit(); not working in the form constructor, why? ApplicationClass can not be embedded? ApplicationSettingsBase.Save() works, but where is the saved data? AppSettings Vs ApplicationSettings Arabic characteres is display with symboles and not understand and not clear why or what change in code ...