Never move the Netra 150 server when system power is on. Excessive movement can cause catastrophic disk drive failure. Always power the system OFF before moving it. If you have a monitor or terminal attached to the Netra 150 server, watch the screen for any POST error messages. At the conc...
a. Set the virtual keyswitch to diag so that POST will run in Service mode. sc> setkeyswitch diag b. Issue the poweron command. sc> poweron c. Switch to the system console to view POST output. sc> console Watch the POST output for possible fault messages. The following output is a...
If you see how the plates are moving under the surface, a lot of the action on the surface, which can appear chaotic, makes more sense. And so, looking at sort of what’s going on with the China tech world as it relates to the rest ...
Now we need to lower the window back down into the door and snap the window bracket into the new regulator bracket. With the window bracket attached, pop the gold clips back on the regulator bracket. If you didn’t pop the gold clips off before installing the new regulator in the door,...
SEE ALSO: The nuns of Snapchat: the sisters offering teens a glimpse of convent life Smartphones are inescapable in nearly every facet of modern life, but for me, the church was the final, sacred, screen-free space. I work with tech every day, wear a smartwatch 24/7, and typically...
but you can’t, so people said it’s like comparable to the, you know, the oh one, which was the open AI sort of leading contender a while back, but the big thing was one, it’s open source, anybody can use it, you can download it pretty much on your desktop computer and run...