Theseals on the existingdouble-glazedwindows may have failed, allowing cold or heat to more easily pass into the house because crucial argon or krypton gas has escaped. One indication that the glass has failed is fogging on the inside, between the panes of glass. In this case, it is possi...
Boot Glazed Glass surrounded by a vinyl gasket known as a boot. Bottom Rail The horizontal bottom piece of a window sash. Bottom Sweep A flexible piece secured to the bottom of a door to prevent the infiltration of air, water, insects or sound. Bow Window A combination of windows, typical...
Reduce your home’s heating and cooling bills with the tightest, best insulated window produced. The triple seal weather stripping, triple glazed insulated glass, and air tight sashes of our Waterford, MI windows keep your energy spending inside your home. This superior quality window, when inst...
Home Window GlassRepair Repair and replacement of (residential) glass in your home windows, casement windows, double-glazed (double hung) windows, doorwall glass, specialty glass, bathroom glass (glass enclosures)glass shower doorsand more
WindowUnitComponents Awindowunitconsistsofthreemaincomponents:the frame,thesash,andthetrim.Andthetrimincludesboth interiorandexteriortrim(seeFigure1onpage2for illustrationsofthesecomponents). •Sash:Thisistypicallythemoveableportionofthe window,althoughsashcanalsobefixed(non-move- able).Itincludestheglass... and Hinges - the UPVC Spare Parts Website. Replacement parts for double glazed windows and doors such as letterboxes, locks, window handles, door handles, glazing tools and window seals. Friendly staff will help if you’re not sure which part ...