It seems reasonable, therefore, that God’s original choice, namely, Matthias, as the one to replace Judas among “the twelve apostles of the Lamb,” remained firm and unaffected by the later apostleship of Paul. jw2019 在其第XVII/17号决定中,缔约方会议要求技术和经济评估小组着手拟订关于与...
It seems reasonable, therefore, that God’s original choice, namely, Matthias, as the one to replace Judas among “the twelve apostles of the Lamb,” remained firm and unaffected by the later apostleship of Paul. 因此,合理的结论看来是,上帝的确拣选了马提亚去取代犹大,成为绵羊羔的“十二使徒”...
It seems reasonable, therefore, that God’s original choice, namely, Matthias, as the one to replace Judas among “the twelve apostles of the Lamb,” remained firm and unaffected by the later apostleship of Paul. 因此,合理的结论看来是,上帝的确拣选了马提亚去取代犹大,成为绵羊羔的“十二使徒”...