Replace thelastsentence with thefollowing text: “To strengthen international refugee protection, UNHCR will continue [...] 最后一句改为:“为加强国际难民保护,难民署将继续建设伙伴关系, 促进与各行为体在难民保护问题上的广泛协作。
33_在设计中使用搜索和替换查询(33_Using_search_and_replace_queries_in_InDesign) - 大小:54m 目录:33_在设计中使用搜索和替换查询 资源数量:35,其他软件教程_InDesign,01_介绍和项目概述,02_创建,打开和保存文件,03_界面和用户界面概述,04_缩放,平移和文档导航,05_管理
If you want to search in a textfile for newline (aka line break or end-of-line (EOL) character) here are some tips when using Notepad2. Newline is typically defined with a character set of eitherLF(Line feed, '\n',0x0A, 10 in decimal) orCR(Carriage return, '\r',0x0D, 13 i...