在这种情况下,一般的方法是将逗号分隔的列表解析为Oracle集合,并在SQL语句中使用该集合,Tom Kyte在他...
在这种情况下,一般的方法是将逗号分隔的列表解析为Oracle集合,并在SQL语句中使用该集合,Tom Kyte在他...
mysql> insert into t1(a,b) select '3','r5' on duplicate key update b='r5'; Query OK, 2 rows affected, 1 warning (0.19 sec) Records: 1 Duplicates: 1 Warnings: 1 mysql> select * from t1; +---+---+---+ | a | b | c | +---+---+---+ | 1 | c3 | c2 | | 2 ...
1 Replace into ... 1.1 录入原始数据mysql> use test; Database changed mysql> mysql> CREATE TABLE t1 SELECT 1 AS a, 'c3' AS b, 'c2' AS c; ALTER TABLE t1 CHANGE a a INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT ; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec) Records: 1 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 mysq...
在这种情况下,一般方法是将逗号分隔列表解析为Oracle集合,并在SQL语句中使用该集合。 Tom Kyte在他对...
4 rows in set (0.00 sec) 【】a=5时候,原来的c值还在,这表示当key有时,只执行后面的udate操作语句. 2.2 再检查auto_increment情况。 mysql> insert into t1(a,b) select '3','r5' on duplicate key update b='r5'; Query OK, 2 rows affected, 1 warning (0.19 sec) ...
TheREPLACE()function in Oracle is generally used to replace all occurrences of a specified string in a string with another string. It normally takes three arguments: the first is the string to replace a sequence of characters in, the second argument is the string that we want to replace, an...
在Oracle中有merge into的语法,可以达到一个语句完成同时修改,添加数据的功能,MySQL里面没有merge into的语法,却有replace into。我们来看看replace into的使用细则。为了方便演示,我首先创建一个表 users create table users( user_id i...
REPLACE('Remove spaces in this text', ' ', '') AS "New String" FROM -- Use the DUAL table, a special dummy table in Oracle, for single row operations DUAL; Explanation: This SQL query uses the REPLACE function to eliminate all spaces from the string 'Remove spaces in this text'. ...
What are DDL and DML Commands in Structured Query Language (SQL)? Oracle DBA Certification Replace in SQL: Usage and Implementation of REPLACE() Function An Audit of the ETL Process Composite Key in SQL: A Simple Guide What is Database Testing and How to Perform it? Introduction to Firebase...