假设我们有一段文本,其中包含两个手机号码,我们希望替换其中的第一个手机号码为指定的新号码。 importredefreplace_first_occurrence(text,pattern,replacement):returnre.sub(pattern,replacement,text,count=1)text="我的手机号码是1234567890,你的手机号码是0987654321"pattern=r"\d{10}"new_number="9876543210"result...
python def replace_second_occurrence(s, old, new): # 找到第一次和第二次出现的位置 first_occurrence = s.find(old) if first_occurrence == -1: return s # 如果没有找到第一次,直接返回原字符串 second_occurrence = s.find(old, first_occurrence + len(old)) if second_occurrence == -1: ...
The example replaces the first occurrence of the word 'fox'. $ ./replace_first.py There is a wolf in the forest. The fox has red fur. Advertisements Python replace last occurrence of string In the next example, we replace the last occurrence of word 'fox'. replace_last.py #!/usr/bi...
ThIS IS PythonForBeginners.com. Here, you can read python tutorials for free. In this example, you can see that we have replaced “is” with “IS” in the output string. Replace first n occurrence of a character in a string To replace the first n occurrences of characters of a string ...
Replace all occurrence of the word "one": txt ="one one was a race horse, two two was one too." x =txt.replace("one","three") print(x) Try it Yourself » Example Replace the two first occurrence of the word "one": txt ="one one was a race horse, two two was one too."...
PythonServer Side ProgrammingProgramming Python has in build functions like slicing() and replace() that can be used for replacing the occurrence by k except the first character.In Python, strings are among the most often used types. These are easily made by simply surrounding letters in ...
This article demonstrates how to replace the last occurrence of a substring in a string in PHP. 1. Using substr_replace() function You can use the substr_replace() function to replace text within a portion of a string. It takes four parameters: the input string, the replacement string, ...
importre# original stringtarget_str ="Jessa knows testing and machine learning"# replace only first occurrenceres_str = re.sub(r"\s","-", target_str, count=1)# String after replacementprint(res_str)# Output 'Jessa-knows testing and machine learning'# replace three occurrenceres_str = re...
() function on the string, with the old substring "hello", the new substring "hi", and the optional count parameter set to 2. This means that only the first two occurrences of "hello" will be replaced with "hi", while the third occurrence will be left unchanged. The python replace ...
Replace First or First N characters in a String in Python Replace the Last or Last N characters in a String in Python Replace the Last or Nth occurrence in String in Python How to replace multiple Characters in a String in Python Replace multiple spaces with a single space in Python How ...