Microsoft announced the arrival of a new Edge “Browser essentials” feature to give users helpful insights about the browser’s performance and other useful functions while browsing the web. Microsoft said it would now release to Canary users and “a portion” of those in the Dev channel runnin...
vercel/next.js canaryvercel/next.js sokra/perf-tracingChange index.html gzip 523 B 522 B N/A link.html gzip 536 B 537 B N/A withRouter.html gzip 518 B 520 B N/A Overall change 0 B 0 B ✓ Edge SSR bundle Size vercel/next.js canaryvercel/next.js sokra/perf-tracingChange edg...
Microsoft is working on a new feature in Edge 96 Canary which may replace Collections, Microsoft’s pinboard-like feature which can be used to organize and remember research on the web. The new edge-followable-view flag has the following description: Try the followable web beta Your existing c...
vercel/next.js canaryvercel/next.js refactor/work-storeChange _app-HASH.js gzip 194 B 194 B ✓ _error-HASH.js gzip 192 B 191 B N/A amp-HASH.js gzip 512 B 511 B N/A css-HASH.js gzip 342 B 342 B ✓ dynamic-HASH.js gzip 1.84 kB 1.84 kB N/A edge-ssr-HASH.js gzip 265...
Microsoft is working on a Chromium-based web browser to replace Edge. It's likely that we'll start to see it in the coming weeks from Insider builds.
Microsoft is prompting me to replace my copy of the Windows 11 insider build 25314with a Windows 10 download by Friday 9/15/23. Please verify the request.
"middleware_app/app-edge-ssr/page" Diff formiddleware.js Diff too large to display Diff foredge-ssr.js Diff too large to display Diff forimage-HASH.js @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@(self["webpackChunk_N_E"] = self["webpackChunk_N_E"] || []).push([ ...
edge-ssr.js gzip 128 kB 128 kB N/A page.js gzip 180 kB 180 kB N/A Overall change 0 B 0 B ✓Middleware size vercel/next.js canaryvercel/next.js 09-09-turbopack_build_fix_typeof-window-replace_testsChange middleware-b..fest.js gzip 672 B 668 B N/A middleware-r..fest.js gz...
This pull request completely replaces our old page loader with a brand new route loader. Our existing comprehensive test suite means I did not need to add a bunch of tests. I did add them where behavior was added or fixed. Summary of the changes: ...
MPEG-2 TS segments with FairPlay Streaming, PlayReady, or Widevine encryption FairPlay Streaming legacy keys (For use native Safari playback) MP3 elementary stream audio in IE and Edge (<=18) on Windows 10 (See #1641 and Microsoft answers forum) Server-side-rendering (...