After my desktop (Windows 10) motherboard and processor were replaced, InDesign CS6 still works fine, but (apart from a very annoying problem re-registering Acrobat, now fixed by Adobe with a more recent version) the other serious problem I am left with is that Photoshop CS6,...
var textFont = "ArialMT"; // Photoshop internal font name var textAngle = -10; // center text angle var textColor = new SolidColor; // text color = 255; = 255; = 255; var textStyleList = ['Default Style...
After my desktop (Windows 10) motherboard and processor were replaced, InDesign CS6 still works fine, but (apart from a very annoying problem re-registering Acrobat, now fixed by Adobe with a more recent version) the other serious problem I am left with is that Photoshop CS6,...
var textFont = "ArialMT"; // Photoshop internal font name var textAngle = -10; // center text angle var textColor = new SolidColor; // text color = 255; = 255; = 255; var textStyleList = ['Default Styl...