Purchasing anew faucetgives you another opportunity to replace the bathroom sink drain. Bathroom faucets often come with matching drain assemblies, and if the kit includes apop-up stopper, you have to use the drain assembly included in the kit if you want the stopper to work. Another reason to...
Apop-up stopperisn't the only kind of bathroom sink drain stopper, but it's probably the most convenient, which is why it's also the most common. The main problem with this type of stopper is that the pivot rod that lifts the stopper intersects the drain, and it's a hair magnet. H...
Learning toinstall a bathroom faucetis an easy project that will make a huge difference in your bathroom. Not only will it update the look of your vanity and sink but improvements like these increase the resale value of your home. This tutorial will teach you how to remove an old sink fau...
A new faucet is a great way to update your bathroom without breaking the bank. Whether you want to change the look of your sink or replace an old leaky unit, removing and installing a bathroom faucet is a DIY project you can tackle on your...
How to Unclog a Moen Push-N-Lock Drain Assembly Home Hacks & Answers Installing a Bathroom Sink Pop-Up Stopper: An Easy DIY Guide Home Hacks & Answers How to Replace a Bathroom Sink Drain Types of Bathtub Drain Stoppers Image Credit:Mitch Geiser ...