替换字符串STR 中第一次出现STR1 的地方. OF 后面跟被替换的内容,能够是变量和常数, WITH 后面跟要替换的内容,能够是变量和常数。 DATA STR TYPE C LENGTH 50 VALUE ' HOW ARE YOU HOW'. REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF STR1 IN STR WITH STR2. 替换字符串STR 中全部出现STR1 的地方. REPLACE STR1 IN ...
Syntax REPLACE[{FIRST OCCURRENCE}|{ALL OCCURRENCES}OF]pattern IN TABLE itab[table_range]WITH new [IN{CHARACTER|BYTE}MODE] [replace_options]. Effect The internal tableitabis scanned row-by-row for the character or byte strings specified bypatternand replaces any occurrences with the content of...
Syntax Forms Pattern-Based Replacement 1. REPLACE [{FIRST OCCURRENCE}|{ALL OCCURRENCES} OF] pattern IN [section_of] dobj WITH new [IN {CHARACTER|BYTE} MODE] [replace_options]. Position-Based Replacement 2. REPLACE SECTION [OFFSET off] [LENGTH len] OF dobj WITH new [IN {...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi All, We are using R/3 4.6C and for some reason, the command REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF... is not recognised by the compiler. Is it because the this was introduced from the later versions? If so can you please suggest an alternative to remove any...
REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF CONV xstring( `2D` ) IN xstr WITH CONV xstring( `5F` ) IN BYTE MODE. cl_demo_output=>display( cl_abap_codepage=>convert_from( xstr ) ). CX_SY_REPLACE_INFINITE_LOOP Cause:Substring of length0creates an endless loop when searching for all occurrences. ...
ABAP - Schlüsselwortdokumentation SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP Release 751, ©Copyright 2017 SAP AG. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Syntax REPLACE[{FIRST OCCURRENCE}|{ALL OCCURRENCES}OF]pattern IN[section_of]dobj WITH new [IN{CHARACTER|BYTE}MODE]
Syntax Forms 1... replace(val = text[off = off][len = len] with = new ) ... Effect This function replaces a substring oftextwith the character string specified innewand returns the changed text. The substring is determined as follows: The...
Syntax REPLACE[{FIRST OCCURRENCE}|{ALL OCCURRENCES}OF]pattern IN TABLE itab[table_range]WITH new [IN{CHARACTER|BYTE}MODE] [replace_options]. Effect The internal tableitabis scanned row-by-row for the character or byte strings specified bypatternand replaces any occurrences with the content of...
Syntax Forms 1. ... replace( val = text [ off = off] [len = len] with = new ) ...2. ... replace( val = text { sub = substring}|{ regex = regex} with = new [ case = case] [occ = occ] ) ...Effect This function replaces a substring of text with the character ...