The persuasive power of repetition is one of the reasons it is so common. Repetition Pronunciation Here's how to pronounce repetition: rep-ih-tish-un Figures of Speech that Use Repetition There are many different figures of speech that use repetition, all in different ways. These figures of ...
Antanaclasis is wordplay characterized by the repetition of the same word in a poem or specific line, but having a different meaning each time. For instance, the repeated word may be used as a verb in the first usage and the next time it appears, it’s used as a noun. Example Lines 4...
Repetition is a technique that many poets use to great effect. Some of the reasons poets use repetition are to enhance the lyricism of the poem, tocreate cohesionwithin the poem, and to reinforce the meaning of the poem. Two specific types of repetition used in poetry are a refrain and an...
Deutermann often quotes from modern play editions, a choice that aids accessibility but also on occasion rather unhelpfully necessitates access to EEBO in order to evaluate the evidence under discussion. To take one example, a persuasive claim about The Ball's 'language and punctuation' is ...
Williams's methodology achieves the distinctive, persuasive argument characteristic of DR by means of sensible organization combined with sensitive reading. In each chapter, Williams focuses on a particular section of DR, beginning with its introduction and the preface, in which Deleuze "situates his ...
(parallelism) Throughtherepetitionof“theman”,thereaderswillhaveaclearimpressionofthegreatdrawbacktoself-centeredpassion,whichcanmakethewritingmoreforcefulandpersuasive. functions Thehappymanisthemanwholivesobjectively,whohasfreeaffectionsandwideinterest,whosecureshishappinessthroughtheseinterestsandaffectionsandthrough...
Williams's methodology achieves the distinctive, persuasive argument characteristic of DR by means of sensible organization combined with sensitive reading. In each chapter, Williams focuses on a particular section of DR, beginning with its introduction and the preface, in which Deleuze "situates his ...