在“Command”文本框中输入你编写的生成怪物命令。 点击“Done”来保存命令。 5. 激活重复命令方块以开始生成怪物 确保命令方块处于“Repeat”和“Always Active”模式。 一旦激活,命令方块就会按照设定的间隔(默认为1秒)不断执行你编写的命令,从而持续生成怪物。 通过这些步骤,你就可以在Minecraft世界中使用重复命令方块...
so there is a bug in Minecraft bedrock that when you place a always active repeating command block and you type a command Example: summon egg ~2 And when you try to edit, redact, retype the command it doesn't function for me. This might be a bug so please fix this. If you want...
Enter a command (I used "/summon minecart ~ ~-1 ~") into the command block. Press Ctrl + middle mouse button on the command block to pick block with data. Notice that when you place this down, the contained data is the same as when you picked the block. Move the command block one...
我们先利用 /give @s repeating_command_block指令获取一个重复命令方块,然后将其设置为循环、不受制约、保持开启,这样才能让这个重复命令方块一直运转下去。然后就是在控台命令处添加execute as @e run data merge entity @s {NoGravity:1}指令,点击完成你就可以获得一个无重力的世界了。无重力世界顾名思义就...
/give @s command_block命令方块 /give @s border_block边界方块 /give @s light_block 个数 亮度 光明方块 /give @s spawn_egg 1 51 给予自己 NPC 蛋 /give @s command_block 64 0:脉冲式命令方块 /give @s repeating_command_block 64 0:循环式命令方块 ...
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The controller divides up the interval of time of an operation into a number of time periods and monitors the characteristics of the signals of a block which should be received by the data recovery unit during those intervals. During execution of a write command, the controller monitors the ...
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