3,网桥工作在数据链路层,将两个LAN连起来,根据MAC地址来转发帧,可以看作一个“低层的路由器”(路由器工作在网络层,根据网络地址如IP地址进行转发)。 4,数据交换机(Switch)也叫交换式集线器,是一种工作在OSI第二层(数据链路层)上的、基于MAC (网卡的介质访问控制地址)识别、能完成封装转发数据包功能的网络设备。
对于6种主要的网络连接设备:Repeater、HUB、Switch、Bridge、Router和Gateway,有关它们的处理速度和功能的表述,下列说法正确的是( )。 A.处理速度依次增快,功能依次减弱 B.处理速度和功能均依次减弱 C.处理速度依次减慢,功能依次增强 D.处理速度和功能均依次增强 ...
两个网络互联时,可以根据网络是在哪一层进行互联的情况,将网络互联设备分成中继器(repeater)、网桥(bridge)、路由器(router)、网关(gateway)四类。其中,(55)用在传输层及其以上的高层中继系统,对不同的协议进行转换。 A.中继器(repeater) B.网桥(bridge) C.路由器(router) D.网关(gateway) 点击查看答案 第...
0 helpful sebas, did you use a hub, pc and wireshark at the ap or just scan your network with wireshark from a pc? 0 helpful i was having the same issue with wrvs4400n v2 and wap4410n. already updated to the latest firmware in both router and ap. i have jus...
1. Zigbee 3.0 extender needs to be used with Zigbee Hub. Please make sure you already have Zigbee Hub. 2. This device uses the "Smart Light Switch -1 gang" as a ZigBee router to achieve the function of the ZigBee signal Repeater. ...
[76星][3m] [Shell] edu4rdshl/tor-router A tool that allow you to make TOR your default gateway and send all internet connections under TOR (as transparent proxy) for increase privacy/anonymity without extra unnecessary code. [74星][4y] [Go] dlion/guesstor Bruteforces [.onion] domains ...
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1 Cisco ATT managed router 1 VLAN (default) 1 subnet in this building Static IP on the AP is Static IP on the repeater is DNS and DGW are set on both The logs only give auth and deauth notificatons. No errors. ...
C.路由服务器(Router) D.协议变换器(Gateway) 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: [多选题] [多选] 以下可以作为LAN设备的有() A.中继器(Repeater) B.集线器(HuB. C.网桥(BridgE. D.交换机(Switch) 免费查看参考答案及解析 亲,您把题目复制到这里 搜一搜,就有答案。免费的哦...