Despite this, 54% of RTI consultations in UK primary care result in an antibiotic prescription, and RTIs account for 60% of antibiotic prescribing inprimary careworldwide. As such, RTIs are one of the key drivers of antimicrobial resistance. The study, which analyzed over 900,000 RTI episode... and Walgreen's allow customers to select their own delivery schedule. Walgreen's and allow auto-refill on prescription drugs, but not on all the other product they carry that would also make for great subscriptions like baby formula, diapers, vitamins, razor blades,...
Learning some new professional skills. I asked my boss about this and he was very supportive. We drew up a plan for some courses and certifications and found some new tasks that I could work on. We recruited some like-minded allies in the group and worked on lightening the mood in the ...