}/**@desc:因为forEach、map、filter、some、every这几个方法结构相似 所以... 先造个轮子*/functioniterator(vars,body,ret) {varfun = 'for(var ' + vars + 'i=0,n=this.length;i<n;i++){' +body.replace('_', '((i in this ) && fn.call(scope ,this[i],i,this))') + '}' +ret...
repeat()函数用法: np.repeat(3, 4) array([3, 3, 3, 3]) x = np.array...
function add(obj,s){ if (obj[s] < 500) { obj[s]++; }else{ obj[s] = 500; } }; 需要说明的一点:x in repeat中的x实际是:对应的那个对象,如果是第一条input那么就是对应的第一个数组对象:arr[0],实际上这是一个指针,因此我这里这里使用两个参数,第一个是指针,用于函数和数组对象的属性相互...
{{ getItemResult(item) }} 在控制器中定义getItemResult函数,该函数接收一个参数item,并返回相应的结果。例如: 代码语言:javascript 复制 $scope.getItemResult=function(item){// 执行一些操作,返回结果returnitem.name+'的结果';}; 这样,每次ng-repeat循环时,getItemResult函数都会被调用,并将...
filter('with', function() { return function(...
{{item.quantity * item.price | currency}} Remove function CartController($scope) { scope.items = [
REPEAT Function in SQLThe REPEAT string function shows the string in the output to the given number of times.Syntax of REPEAT String FunctionSyntax1: This syntax uses the REPEAT function with the column name of the SQL table:SELECT REPEAT(Column_Name, Repetation_value) AS Alias_Name FROM ...
Yes, I wanted to implement the restart function with JS (as described in the link above). I think I cannot use the original Pause/resume commands because of the restart function. For example I don`t know how to pause the animation if the animation runs for a second or a...
function removeItem(outerIndex, innerIndex) { vm.appData[outerIndex].books.splice(innerIndex, 1);} 我们可以先看控制器里面的函数, removeItem 这个函数有两个参数,一个是 outerIndex ,一个是 innerIndex ,其中 outerIndex 表示的是第一层循环的 $index 索引, innerInde...
Innovations in high-throughout sequencing approaches are being marshaled to both reveal the composition of the abundant and heterogeneous noncoding RNAs th