Microsoft文件系统、筛选器和微型筛选器驱动程序以及 I/O 管理器使用REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER结构来存储重新分析点的数据。此结构只能用于Microsoft重新分析点。 第三方重新分析点所有者必须使用 REPARSE_GUID_DATA_BUFFER 结构。Microsoft重新分析点可以使用REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER结构或REPARSE_GUID_DATA_BUFFER结构。
Microsoft reparse points can use the REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER structure or the REPARSE_GUID_DATA_BUFFER structure.From the union, you can use the GenericReparseBuffer structure to interpret the payload for any IO_REPARSE_TAG_XXX tag, or optionally use one of the other structures within the union as...
The Symbolic Link Reparse Data Buffer data element is a subtype of REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER, which contains information on
ReparseDataLength DataBuffer成员中重新分析数据的大小(以字节为单位)。 此值可能因不同的标记而异,并且在同一标记的两个用法之间可能有所不同。 Reserved 保留值;请勿使用。 ReparseGuid 唯一标识重分析点的GUID。 设置重新分析点时,应用程序必须在ReparseGuid成员中提供非 NULLGUID。 从文件系统检索重新分析点时,Re...
它由 FSCTL_GET_REPARSE_POINT 控件代码使用。 语法 C++ 复制 typedef struct _REPARSE_GUID_DATA_BUFFER { DWORD ReparseTag; WORD ReparseDataLength; WORD Reserved; GUID ReparseGuid; struct { BYTE DataBuffer[1]; } GenericReparseBuffer; } REPARSE_GUID_DATA_BUFFER, *PREPARSE_GUID_DATA_BUFFER; 成员...
The Symbolic Link Reparse Data Buffer data element is a subtype of REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER, which contains information on symbolic link reparse points. This reparse data buffer MUST be used only with reparse tag values whose high bit is set to 1....
Error 0x80071128: The data present in the reparse point buffer is invalid.It's also not related to this because this is a Windows 10 Pro laptop (Surface Book 2) and not joined to a domain.All replies (22)Thursday, February 1, 2018...
If you're getting error 0x80071128; 'The data present in the reparse point buffer is invalid' while deleting file/folder on Windows 10, here's how to fix.
The REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER data element stores data for a reparse point. This reparse data buffer MUST be used only with
The Mount Point Reparse Data Buffer data element is a subtype of REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER, which contains information about mount point reparse points. This reparse data buffer MUST be used only with reparse tag values whose high bit is set to 1. A mount point has a substitute name and a ...