To repair these cracks, several materials and procedures have been developed. The efficiency of these materials and procedures depends on weather conditions and application efficiency. This study aims to develop a cost-effective magnesium oxychloride cement-based micro concrete for a faster repair of ...
The corroded beam showed longitudinal corrosion cracks more than 3mm in width along the tension reinforcing bars. The repaired corroded beam was tested in three-point flexure up to failure. Then, concrete was removed around the reinforcing bars in order to measure the real local steel cross-...
1.The tensile and flexural bond strength ofrepairing mortarand split binding strength betweenrepairing mortarand repaired concrete were studied with acrylic acid latex mortar,silica mortar,high strength mortar,polypropylene fiber high strength mortar and basalt fiber high strength mortar asrepairing mortaran...
This paper carries out studies on prevention of the temperature-shrinkage cracks in cast-in-place reinforced concrete slabs,grouting restoration, and preparation and properties of high-toughness epoxy resin material. 所以对已经出现的裂缝,应该在恰当的时间、选用合适的高韧性环氧树脂灌浆材料和正确的化学灌浆...
PURPOSE: To reinforce a concrete structure by giving a curing agent component, which reacts with a matrix resin and by which the gelation time of the matrix resin is kept within a fixed time at a fixed temperature, and curing the matrix resin. CONSTITUTION: The reinforcing and repairing membe...
“control beam”. Its failure load was noted and deflections were regularly measured by deflection gauges installed at middle and quarter points. Other four beams were loaded up to three-fourth of the failure load of control beam or otherwise up to the development of initial cracks. These beams...
The results reveal that the concrete have high fluidity and good mechanics performance and durability,which can be used in rapid repair of concrete p. 5M Pa、抗压强度大于20M Pa的路面快速修补混凝土。 2. This paper introduces one rapid repair material of concrete road surface, which has so many...
Mortar composite material for repairing steel slabsPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a concrete composite material for repairing a steel floor slab which has a so-called crack self-repairing function, which disperses concrete cracks in steel floor slab pavement, which can effectively fill a ...
The invention relates to a method for repairing wide and large cracks of a hydraulic engineering bituminous concrete impervious face slab. The method is mainly used for repairing cracks of which the widths are greater than 2mm and the occurrence is complicated, the repairing efficiency on the ...
CONSTITUTION:A plurality of bore holes 4 are provided in any direction in the part to be repaired 3 on a floor slab 1 of a concrete bridge, and in each hole 4 a static crushing device 5 is inserted such as a tube crusher of liquid pressure type. By this crushing device 5, cracks 8...