patients with KD are usually asymptomatic, and are discovered incidentally by non-enhanced chest CT scan. When there are symptoms, the most frequent is dysphagia due to compression of the esophagus,
Endpoints of this study were postoperative anasto- motic complications and prematurity-related problems directly related to the patients´ GA. Postoperative com- plications during the first year of life included anasto- motic leakage (diagnosed by contrast study of the esophagus in case of any ...
Postoperative adverse events occurred in Group E: four cases of retrospective type A aortic dissection, two cases of aorto-bronchial fistula, and one case of aorto-esophagus fistula. Aorta-related death and re-intervention rates crossed over in both groups after seven years postoperatively. Although...
Diseases of the Esophagus and Disorders of Swallowing Saunders Manual of Small Animal Practice (Third Edition) Book2006, Saunders Manual of Small Animal Practice (Third Edition) Susan E. Johnson, Robert G. Sherding Explore book Treatment • Surgery is indicated for treatment of large hiatal herni...
the esophagus during the isolation and repair maneuvers of the proximal thoracic aorta. The right femoral artery line is placed before draping, since the right side of the patient can be difficult to reach during surgery. The patient is then positioned in lumbar flexion for the spinal drain ...
The intestinal epithelium harbors a remarkable adaptability to undergo injury-induced repair. A key part of the regenerative response is the transient reprogramming of epithelial cells into a fetal-like state, which drives uniform proliferation, tissue r
Keywords 3D bioprinting Tissue engineering Esophagus substitute Regenerative medicine Esophageal repair 1. Introduction 3D bioprinting is a sophisticated approach that enables the fabrication of well-designed tissue constructs and organs from 3D simulated models [1,2]. In 2004, the term ‘bioprinting’ wa...
20 cases in the operation room under anesthesia were examined by TEE.The Height of the corresponding section were set. The A2P2 was measured by four chamber view of the middle esophagus. The A1P1 was measured by five chamber view of the middle esophagus. The A3P3 was measured by deep ...
The pursuit of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine is to regenerate functional tissues and organs to replace damaged or diseased tissue. As a basic element of tissue engineering, scaffolds provide three-dimensional structure for cell growth whil
Acute massive bleeding and related wound infection remain one of the main lethal factors worldwide [1]. The rupture of internal arteries of organs is featured with uncontrollable and massive bleeding, high blood pressure, and hard self-healing. Therefore, whether the bleeding could be effectively ...