Not all bare spots need repairing. “If the spot is smaller than the size of your fist, there is no need to do anything as the area will likely fill in from surrounding grass in a few weeks,” says the Wisconsin Horticulture Division of Extension. Turf repairs are often low-cost, requi...
To patch up unsightly bare spots in your lawn: Use your Weed Twister to transplant grass plugs from edges or corners where they won't be missed. Simply twist out the plug of grass from one spot and while still in the coils, poke the coils into a bare spot, twist it into the soil ...
Transplanting - Lawn Repair: How can I patch up bare spots of soil in my lawn? Or transplant volunteer herbs? Seedling and Sapling Removal - How about big weeds with deep roots? Treasure Hunting - What can I dig up in the dirt? Mountain Lion Protection - Need protection against wild cats...
Renovatewarm-season grasseslike centipede, Bermuda grass, carpetgrass, zoysia, St. Augustine and Bahia in spring or early summer. Those renovated in the fall may not have time to establish and are more subject to winter injury. Fixing Bare Spots in the Lawn Repairing small areas is a bit e...
spots in the lawn that fail to recover. Spread grass seed over the soil in the bare spot or trim a piece of sod to fit the bare spot using a sharp spade or knife and lay the sod in the bare area, firming it down gently to make sure the sod is solidly in contact with the soil...