这与relevel() 一样,是简单调用 factor(x, levels = levels(x)[...]) 的特殊情况。 值 一个因子或有序因子(取决于 order 的值),其中由 FUN 确定的级别顺序应用于由 x 分组的 X 。默认情况下,级别按 FUN 返回的值按递增顺序排序。空的关卡将会被丢弃。 此外,应用于 X 子集的 FUN 值(按 x 级别...
R中的reorder()函数用于将factor的level快速排序 用法:reorder(x, X, decreasing = FALSE) x为原始的vector X为期望因子排序的量,长度与x相同。若为character,按字母顺序排,若为数字,按从小到大的顺序排 decreasing参数与order和sort的decreasing参数相同,默认为F,从小到大 ...
x = factor(sample(letters[1:5],100, replace=TRUE)) print(levels(x)) ## This will show the levels of x are "Levels: a b c d e" ## To reorder the levels: ## note, if x is not a factor use levels(factor(x)) x = factor(x,levels(x)[c(4,5,1:3)]) print(levels(x))...
当因子变量映射到位置时,fct_reorder()函数在一维展示中非常有用;而当因子变量映射的是非位置属性时,fct_reorder2()函数可用于二维展示; 「作者原文」:Reorder factor levels by sorting along another variable.fct_reorder()is useful for 1d displays where the factor is mapped to position;fct_reorder2()for...
df$x <- factor(df$x, levels = names(sort(table(df$x), decreasing = TRUE))) df <- df[order(df$x), ] ``` 下面,我将进一步解释reorder函数的三个参数。 1. 按照x列排序 reorder函数的第一个参数是x,指定需要进行排序的列。例如,我们有一个数据集df,其中包含了两列x和y,我们想要对x列进行...
data%>%arrange(val)%>%# First sort by val. This sort the dataframe but NOT the factor levelsmutate(name=factor(name,levels=name))%>%# This trick update the factor levelsggplot(aes(x=name,y=val))+geom_segment(aes(xend=name,yend=0))+geom_point(size=4,color="orange")+coord_flip(...
Reorder levels of a colored factor.David C. Norris
Hi, I reinstalled Seurat from the develop branch. Previously, SetAllIdent() automatically reorders the factor levels in @Ident (e.g. "1", "2", "3"). Now it doesn't do the reordering anymore, so running the same DoHeatmap and DotPlot func...
("tension", "cluster", "migraineNoAura", "migraineAura") library(tidyverse) dt2 <- dt |> rownames_to_column() |> mutate(rowname = fct_inorder(rowname)) |> pivot_longer(-rowname, names_to = "colname") |> mutate(colname = factor(colname, levels(rowname))) ggplot(dt2, aes(x...
Method 3: the reorder() function of base R In case your an unconditional user of the good old R, here is how to control the order using the reorder() function inside a with() call: # reorder is close to order, but is made to change the order of the factor levels. mpg$class =...