Reopen closed tab v0.1.1.0(撤销刚关闭的网页) 资源信息 资源名称:Reopen closed tab v0.1.1.0(撤销刚关闭的网页) 当前版本: 往期版本:Reopen closed tab 重新打开关闭的标签网页(← 查看旧版 更多介绍) 附件名:
截图: 上一张 Reopen closed tab Button™ chrome谷歌浏览器插件_扩展截图 下一张 Reopen closed tab Button™ chrome谷歌浏览器插件_扩展截图 简介: 提供一键“重新打开关闭的选项卡”和会话。 Chrome 菜单上的功能相同。 提供一键“重新打开关闭的选项卡”和会话。重新打开关闭的选项卡按钮可帮助您重新打开关闭...
Right-click on the blank space in the tab bar and choose “Reopen Closed Tab” as shown here. That’s pretty much all there is to it. Now you’ve learned how to reopen closed Chrome tabs on your iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Although we were primarily focusing on iOS and macOS devices in...
Here's how to recover tabs on Mac using Google Chrome: Using a keyboard shortcut:Same as in Safari, the Shift + Command + T will reopen the last closed tab. To reopen more tabs, press the shortcut repeatedly. From the app menu:Go to the File section of the app menu and click Reo...
In Google Chrome, click the 3 lined icon in the upper right corner, then pointHistoryin the drop-down menu, and it will show a list of the most recently closed tabs. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcuts "Ctrl + Shift + T" to restore each tab you recently closed. ...
In the latest version of Google Chrome Canary, you can now restore closed tab groups in their entirety with just a single click.
Google is apparently working on a feature that would let you instantly reopen a closed tab on Chrome. In its current state, tabs you close are cleared from the memory and the browser reloads the entire webpage when you reopen them. The feature in question is called Closed Tab Cache. As...
From there, you can now see a Recently Closed Tabs section. Click any tab to restore it in Chrome. The feature is in its early testing stages, but we'd hope to see this being rolled out to the stable version of Google Chrome sometime in the near future. It follows a raft of upda...
In the description of the feature Google also warns that the feature is “highly experimental” andwilllead to various breakages. If you are brave you can however enable the Closed Tab Cache in Chrome Canary and help Google test the feature. ...
Reopen closed tab Button helps you to reopen closed tabs. Just click the button on Chrome toolbar. It's same functionality on Chrome menu. Support Chrome's context menu. Support Chrome 37 and later versions. 其他信息 官方唯一标识:jjchodck***bidieebe 官方最后更新日期:2014...