All statements on increases or decreases in re-offending rates in thissection refer to comparisons with rates that have been adjusted to control for changes in the characteristics of offenders on the probation caseload3. The latest re-offending results are compared to the adjusted rate based on 20...
It is expected that sex offender treatment programmes will reduce the likelihood of reconviction amongst participants. A low base rate of sexual reconviction means that any reduction in reconviction (which could be attributed to treatment) will be small and unlikely to be statistically significant. ...
Tackling ‘drug-related’ crime: Are there merits in diverting drug-misusing defendants to treatment? Findings from an Australian case study The outcome measures were: the rate, volume and seriousness of known re-offending. Recidivism risk factors were also examined for MERIT participants. There.....
These figures are an underestimate of the true rate of re-offending as many patients spent a large proportion of the follow-up period in an institution, which reduced the opportunities for further offending. With this reservation in mind, and allowing for methodological differences, the rates are...
Assessing reconviction, reoffending and recidivism in a sample of UK sexual offendersdoi:10.1348/135532503322362979Purpose. The rate of sexual reconviction for sexual offenders is known to be low. Sexual reconviction, however, is currently the most commonly used outcome measure in sex offender ...
supports them into education or a job while inside prison and, crucially, during and after release.It is the UK's first dedicated resettlement unit for teenagers and has a reconviction rate of just 14 per cent, compared with the 78 per cent re-offending rates for young offenders nationally....
This is 3.7 percentage points less than the predicted proven re-offending rate, equivalent to a 9.1 per cent reduction in proven re-offending. This result was statistically significant. Analysis also suggested that Vision Housing is more successful with women; offenders under the age of 35; ...
These figures are an underestimate of the true rate of re-offending as many patients spent a large proportion of the follow-up period in an institution, which reduced the opportunities for further offending. With this reservation in mind, and allowing for methodological differences, the rates are...