Tenant Lawyers committed to renters rights. Fighting landlord harassment, discrimination, evictions, and slumlords throughout California.
If you just found out your landlord is selling your rental home, you should review your rights and understand your lease agreement under the new owners.
Policygenius LLC (DBA Policygenius Services LLC in NY; DBA Policygenius Insurance Services in California) (“Policygenius”), a Delaware corporation with its principal place of business in New York, New York, is a licensed independent insurance broker. The information provided on this site has been...
Once you make your move you'll need to update your driver's license. Some states require it be done quickly --Californiahas a deadline of 10 days. Check with your state's Department of Motor Vehicles soon after your move to avoid being fined. ...
Shortly after the stay-at-home orders hit in California, Moore and his four roommates who live in San Francisco’s Treasure Island found themselves with no regular income. Only two of them received relief checks from the federal government, one was receiving unemployment and two are still ...
ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — Every few days, Bathsheba Collingwood sprays her furniture and walls with bleach to scrub away new traces of the persistent mold she suspects caused her 3-year-old son’s asthma.