According to the most recent data from the Insurance Information Institute, a renters insurance policy costs an average of about $14 a month or $170 a year. That's a national average, however, and rates vary greatly depending on where you live: In New York state, for example, renters ins...
Many landlords require renters insurance, but even if yours doesn't, the coverage offers plenty of benefits. Discover six reasons you need renters insurance.
Another big name in renters insurance providers at the top of our list is Allstate. Renters can relax knowing their personal belongings are in good hands. With most renters insurance packages, Allstate offers personal property protection, additional living expenses, medical protection for your guests...
However, renters insurance premiums depend on where you live, including your state, city and ZIP code. Insurers look closely at the property crime rate in your area, which affects your likelihood of filing a claim for stolen property. Your risk of natural disasters, such as tornadoes or hurric...
State Farm offers renters insurance throughout the U.S., making it a great option for renters in underserved or rural areas. But it’s not just State Farm’s wide availability that may make it a good option. The company also has exceptional ratings from J.D. Power and AM Best. Although...
Yes, your renters policy can usually move with you, but you need to contact your insurance agent to update it. For out-of-state moves, there is a chance that your current carrier doesn’t offer coverage in your new location. Also, your premium may increase or decrease depending on changes...
First, the good news! Renters insurance costs far less than most expect. Dollar-for-dollar it’s one of the cheapest forms of financial coverage you can buy. Renters insurance rates vary by state and city. Generally the cost of renters insurance will be determined primarily by two things: ...
Other Renters Insurance Companies Allstate American Family Erie Insurance Farmers Lemonade READ MORE Other Insurance Ratings Best Life Insurance Companies Cheapest Life Insurance Companies Best Homeowners Insurance Companies Cheapest Homeowners Insurance Companies ...
When it comes to choosing the best renters insurance providers, all the companies on our list are good options depending on your individual coverage needs. However, State Farm offers the best coverage overall, with an easy-to-use system and availability in all 50 states. The company also has...
These are the states we currently offer renters insurance in: Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,...