exclusive jurisdictioncommon lawSouth AfricaLeases of all dwellings throughout the republic of South Africa come under the jurisdictions of the Rental Housing Act (RHA). The RHA came into operation in AugMohamed, Sayed IqbalSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
Rental Housing Tribunalenforcement of orderspowers of sheriffssmall claims courtRental Housing ActThe Rental Housing Tribunal's order or ruling, which is deemed to be a magistrate's court judgment, are ineffective. Provincial Tribunals cannot enforce their oMohamed, Sayed Iqbal...
The Model Tenancy Act, 2020 aims to bridge the trust deficit betweentenantsandlandlordsby clearly delineating their obligations. To ensure speedy redressal of disputes, it also proposes to establish Rent Court and Rent Tribunal to hear appeals for matters connected to rental housing. ...
Rental laws must protect tenants in order to create secure, affordable housing as well as establish inclusive communities that provide equal access to social services, such as health and education. Likewise, rental legislation should encourage landlords to invest in rental property to provide this ...