Recuperado el 25 de abril del 2010 de: abstract=1561522. .FERNANDEZ, P. Y DEL CAMPO J. (2010): Rentabilidad de los Fondos de Pensiones en Espana. 1994-2009. IESE. Universidad de Navarra. Electronic copy available at: Consultado 25 ...
Performance is a fundamental factor in fully funded pension systems that determines not only the pension benefit but also the maintenance of the affiliates' capital since the affiliates assume all market risks. Some systems involve certain guarantee mechanisms such as the minimum ret...
Efecto sobre la rentabilidad que tiene para el afiliado la comisión cobrada por las administradoras de fondos de pensionesPension fund managersPension fundAffiliateFund returnThe pension system in Chile is operated by private entities, called AFP, to which every worker must contribute 10% of their...