2. A spreadsheet you can download so you can plug in your own numbers. I’m posting a beta version of this rent vs buy calculator publicly, in the hopes that people can provide feedback for improvement, and for the masochists out there, let me know if any of the formulas or results ...
• The small “Calculator” button next to the “Adjustment” field in the Bookings form can now calculate the adjustment amount required in order to reach a target Final Sale amount, or other target amount. This can be used for example, when you’re trying to back into an AirBnb total...
After ten years, the property owner sees his or her property worth $500k grow in price to about $1.06 million and has debt of $300k (calculated using a CBA mortgage calculator), which results in net worth of $760k. The renter sees his $371k of VDHG grow to $813k and has zero deb...