Rent the Runway no longer has any physical stores. Instead the company has focused on expanding its network of drop boxes. Does Rent the Runway have a referral program? Yes, Rent the Runway has a referral program. Members can invite their friends to purchase a plan. In their first month,...
45% Off Your Purchase expires: ongoing Used 7 timesLast Used 4 days ago 100% Success RTRXASHLEYPShow Coupon Code CODE $30 OFF Coupon Code for $30 Off Sitewide at Rent the Runway expires: ongoing Used 2 timesLast Used 9 days ago ...
Courtesy Rent the Runway Despite its current limited scope, the idea of having a virtual closet at your fingertips without having to purchase—or pack—anything new is certainly appealing, both for your wallet and the environment. (Remember, the lighter the aircraft, theless fuel it burns.) An...