Economic Study of the Rent Stabilization Ordinance and the Los Angeles Housing MarketAffordableAllowableApartmentBurdenEnforcementConversionControlDisabilityEvictionFair ReturnThis report was prepared for the City of Los Angeles Housing Department to recommend policies for improving conditions in the housing ...
Rent Control Ordinances The Rent Stabilization Ordinance requires Los Angeles County landlords that lease rent-controlled buildings to follow the rent control laws. Landlords are subject to the provisions of the Ordinance if the landlord rents more than two units within one building; if the landlord'...
San Francisco's Rent Stabilization Ordinance exempts all units built after 1979.[21] New York State generally exempts units built after 1974 anywhere in the state (although owners can agree to rent stabilization in exchange for tax benefits).[22] In jurisdictions where rent stabilization...
But Councilman John Heilman argued that landlords do use the services of the Rent Stabilization Department “and in some cases, even benefit from those services.” About 15 West Hollywood landlords argued against the fee increase. “Those people who benefit from the (rent control) ordinance should...
“below-market rate” units. Brown resisted any efforts to impose modest requirements, and his final act as Mayor in 2006 was to veto an inclusionary ordinance. In contrast, San Francisco passed an inclusionary ordinance in 2001 – which over the years has been strengthened to have higher ...
A proposed City of Richmond ordinance to establish rent control, a rent board, and just cause for eviction requirements in the City of Richmond. Additionally, The ordinance requires relocation payments to be made under certain circumstances in an amount to be determined by the City Council through...