Each spring of each growing season, the following rates were applied: 80 kg P2O5∙ha −1, 36 kg K2O∙ha−1, and 34 kg N∙ha−1. After cutting the first sward regrowth, 60 kg K2O∙ha−1 in the first year of use, 40 kg K2O∙ha−1 in second and third year, and...
In China, the renovation of old residential communities has emerged as the main body of the construction industry. The relationship between old and new buildings is one of partnership rather than rivalry. The USA’s National Trust for Historic Preservation offers valuable evidence and expertise for ...
The economic parameters required to calculate the present value of various costs were analyzed, utilizing statistics spanning from 2013 to 2023. The inflation and discount rates were sourced from the Riksbanken (Central bank) and SCB (Statistics Sweden) [62,63], while data on energy price escala...
Examples of unpredictable events affecting the construction process are bad weather conditions, work site accidents, supply chain delays, and productivity rates variation [3,4]. This implies flow variability that negatively impacts project performance and productivity [6,7], and requires frequent and ...