by guest on December 28, 2014 http://circres.ahajournals/ Downloaded from J M Vinci, R M Zusman, J L Izzo, Jr, R E Bowden, D Horwitz, J J Pisano and H R Keiser renin activity. Human urinary and plasma kinins: relationship to sodium-retaining steroids and plasma ...
Renin activity and the response to beta- blockade. In: Laragh JH, Buhler FR, Seldin DW (eds), Frontiers in Hypertension Research. New York: Springer, 1981; pp. 450-453.Menard J, Plouin PF, Thibonnier M, Alhenc-Gelas F, Degoulet P, Corvol P. Renin activity and the response to...
with activity 精力充沛地 be in activity 在活动中 high renin hypertension 高肾素性高血压 arc plasma 电弧的等离子区 barium plasma 钡等离子体 glow plasma 辉光等离子体 相似单词 renin 肾素; 高血压蛋白原酶 activity n. 1.[U]活动性;活力 2.[U]繁忙的或充满活力的活动 3.[C]【尤作复数】...
Alpco11-RENHU-E02 Renin Activity ELISA,肾素活性 Alpco公司从成立初期就致力于生物医药领域各种免疫检测试剂盒的研发与生产,力求为广大客户提供高质量的免疫检测产品。 Alpco产品种类多样,可测样品来源包括人、大/小鼠、豚鼠、兔、猪、羊、狗、猴等,涉及神经生物学、骨代谢、心血管疾病和氧化应激、细胞因子与信号...
Renin activity in acute renal failure.HumansReninDiuresisFemaleMaleAcute Kidney InjuryDel Greco F, Krumlovsky F.doi:10.1136/bmj.4.5730.304Del Greco, FKrumlovsky, FBritish Medical AssociationBritish Medical Journal
Angiotensins I and II, active and inactive renin, renin substrate, renin activity, and angiotensinase in human liquor amnii and plasmaAngiotensins I and II, active and inactive renin, renin substrate, renin activity, and angiotensinase in human liquor amnii and plasmaTumor Cells, CulturedCell...
Because amino-glutethimide, an inhibitor of steroid synthesis, lowers the blood pressure of patients with essential hypertension and suppressed renin activity, the present double-blind study was designed to assess the effect of the mineralocorticoid antagonist, spironolactone, on blood pressure in such ...
PLASMA RENIN ACTIVITY (PRA) AND ALDOSTERONE CONCEN- 15 TRATION (PAldo) I N CONGENITAL ADRENAL HYPERPLASIA (CAH) DUE TO 21-HYDROXILASE DEFICIENCY. M . J . D i l l o n , D.B.Grant, R.J.Levinsky and J.M.Ryness, I n s t i t u t e of Child Health and Hospital f o r ...
Plasma renin activity is an independent prognostic factor in chronic heart failure. Eur Heart J 2008; 29 (Suppl 1): 393.Vergaro G, Fontana M, Poletti R, Giannoni A, Iervasi AL, Masi L, et al. Plasma renin activity is an independent prognostic factor in chronic heart failure. Eur ...
Hypertension and low plasma renin activity: presumptive evidence for mineralocorticoid excess 来自 NCBI 喜欢 0 阅读量: 29 作者: RF Spark 摘要: Focuses on a study on hypertension and low renin activity. Patients and methods; Results; Discussion....