legco.gov.hk 同時,無論怎樣, 若團體 B 並無提出更新登記詳情的申請,則其名稱或標誌亦不會再列入 新的登記冊內。 legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk A provisional licence that is renewed under subsection (4) shall be validforaperiod of 6 months from and including the dateofits renewalorsuch lesser per...
Besides, the Hong Kong Public Libraries (the HKPL) provide readers with value-added services including 24-hour online servicesfor renewalandreservation of library materials, viewing of electronic books, retrieval of information in databases and searching of[...] ...
the Hong Kong Public Libraries (the HKPL) provide readers with value-added services including 24-hour online servicesforrenewal andreservation of library materials, viewing of electronic books, retrieval of information in databases and searching of library[...] ...
Besides, the Hong Kong Public Libraries (the HKPL) provide readers with value-added services including 24-hour online servicesfor renewalandreservation of library materials, viewing of electronic books, retrieval of information in databases and searching of[...] ...
servicesforrenewalandreservation of library materials, viewing of electronic books, retrieval of information in databases and searching of library categories, as well as telephonerenewal service. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 此外,香港公共圖書館又為讀 者提供增值服務,包括 24 小時網上圖書館服務,讓讀者能夠...
arrangementsfor automatic renewalofservice contracts, which were the common subjects [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 有關終止服務合約程序或自動續約安排這 些常見的投訴事項,由於它們不被視作服務合約的關鍵內容, 所以一般都不會於當眼位置特別標示。