Energy research and development (R & D) intended to advance technology played an important role in the successful outcome of World War II. In the post-war era, the federal government conducted R & D on fossil fuel and nuclear energy sources to support peacetime economic growth. The energy cr...
Given recent actions by the federal government to reduce funding for renewable energy programs and research and create market conditions that heavily favor the fossil fuel industry, it is up to states now more than ever to sustain the momentum towards a clean and renewable energy future gained ...
Denmark's commitment to renewable energy was driven by a combination of supportive policies, including feed-in tariffs, public-private partnerships, and strong regulatory frameworks. The government's proactive approach in setting ambitious renewable energy targets and creating an enabling environment for ...
Strict environmental regulations make the government produce renewable energy rather than consuming energy from non-renewable energy sources. The GDP is lowering renewable energy consumption, which means that these countries are still relying on non-renewable energy sources for rapid economic growth. The ...
The research can be refined using quotation marks, forcing the engine to search for the exact term. Searching the term “energy community” instead of energy community in the same period obtains only 664 results. The set can be expanded by adding the research term “community energy” as an ...
In the wake of implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), more than two-thirds of respondents to the 2024 Deloitte power and utilities survey believe the federal government most significantly shapes policies that drive the energy transition (figure 3). As priorities may change under a ...
This is clearest in Scotland, but both the Northern Ireland Executive and Welsh Government have also sought to steer development, adopting policy approaches that depart from Acknowledgement We acknowledge the support of the Economic and Social Research Council for funding the research on which this ...
energy transition. Some of the main infrastructure components are electricity networks, storage systems, EV charging and transport infrastructure. The recent issuance of green bond by the Singapore Governement is a good example on the extent of political support towards funding renewable energy transition...
Ecological civilisation philosophy, introduced in 2007 by President Hu Jintao, became one of the leitmotifs of Chinese environmental policies in the upcoming period. The Chinese government’s “Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Accelerating th...
Basically, the main reasons for changing current business models are related to the pressure from politicians and customers (Interviews A, C, E), the subsidized feed-in tariff (Interviews A, D), the funding incentive from the government (Interview D), and the current situation on the financial...