(Electricity) Act 2000 (Cth); how it interacts with Australia's two other main taxes – Income Tax and Goods and Services Tax, and how the trade of RECs may be treated in the accounts of the respective trading entities – the liable parties and renewable energy based electricity generators....
Fossil fuels, currently the mainstay of economically developed and developing countries, supply energy either directly as fuel or indirectly as generated electricity, for manufacturing, agriculture, transportation, and space heating. Future GHG emissions and the resultant climate change will depend largely...
the German Federal Parliament adopted the new Renewable Energy Law, which prefers to introduce the renewable energy power generation bidding system from 2017 to formally end the government pricing system based on the fixed grid electricity price, thus it is expected to comprehensively promote the renew...
Numerous colleges and schools, mainly in the San Francisco Bay Area, have erected solar arrays above parking lots. These projects use land that has already been urbanized and is close to the energy users, reducing transmission infrastructure and electricity losses. In some cases, solar arrays can...
Considering energy- and climate-related policies adopted, the European Union and the People’s Republic of China are expected to be on the same trajectory of reducing pollution, aiming for carbon neutrality in 2050 and 2060, respectively. However, althou
renewable energy (redirected fromRenewable source) Encyclopedia renewable energy n (Environmental Science) another name foralternative energy Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014...
Considering energy- and climate-related policies adopted, the European Union and the People’s Republic of China are expected to be on the same trajectory of reducing pollution, aiming for carbon neutrality in 2050 and 2060, respectively. However, althou
the President of Ghanaannouncedthat the levy on petroleum products will be increased to $0.02 per litre. A part of the revenue raised from this levy will be used to establish the Renewable Energy Fund. Additionally, a levy of $0.02 will be charged on a per kWh basis on electricity transmit...
In 2010, the share of renewable energy sources in total energy consumption amounted to 11.3%, whereas the contribution to electricity generation was slightly higher at around 17.1% (BMU, 2011). By 2050, the German Federal Government even intends to cover at least 60% of total energy ...
Electricity-based fuels e-FTL Fischer-Tropsch liquids GHG Greenhouse Gas LCOF Levelised Cost of Fuel LUT-ESTM LUT Energy System Transition Model PV Photovoltaics RE Renewable Energy TPED Total Primary Energy Demand WTW Well-to-wheel 1. Introduction The exacerbating climate emergency requires urgent acti...