Diversifying Renewable Energy in MichiganThe article describes the anaerobic digester program developed by Consumers Energy, the Michigan State University and the state's agricultural community in a bid to diversify renewable...
): Specializes in applied research, scientific consulting, and the development of hardware and software to evaluate power frequency magnetic fields. Sundance Power Systems, Inc.(Popularity: ): The Southeast's premier alternative energy company. Consulting, design, installation, and sales of all alterna...
Recent development of energy supply and demand in China, and energy sector prospects through 2030 Facing multiple pressures, including its commitment to energy efficiency improvement, the current worldwide recession, and global warming concerns, China i......
Heritage Sustainable Energy, LLC is Michigan’s leading provider of clean renewable energy. We work closely with landowners, local communities, local government, contractors and utility companies to build, operate and maintain solar, wind & hydrogen facilities that achieve the most cost-effective, rene...
Business type: manufacturer Product types: photovoltaic cell materials, solar grade silicon, solar grade polycrystalline silicon. Address: 12334 Geddes Rd., PO Box 80, Hemlock, Michigan USA 48626 Telephone: +1-989-642-5201 Web Site: http://www.hscpoly.comHal...
The author reflects on the call for setting up an aggressive and measurable goal for alternative energy in Michigan. As stated in the article, effecting a renewable portfolio standard will help promote investments from energy companies. It also notes that putting up an energy strategy strengthens su...
Detroit-based DTE Energy (NYSE:DTE) is issuing Requests for Proposals (RFP) targeting more solar and wind power resources in the state of Michigan.
Business type: manufacturer Product types: electric cars. Address: P. O. Box 33170, Detroit, Michigan USA 48232 Telephone: 1-800-950-CHEV Web Site: http://www.chevrolet.com/electriccar/Central Electronics Limited Central Electronics Limited, a Technology & Production Enterprise of the Department ...
in Michigan. While that suit is pending, it will gum up the permitting process for projects waiting to be approved. Renewable energy advocates had high hopes that the new siting law would mark a turning point for Michigan, which has a deep history of local control. In crafting PA 233, ...
An expanded renewable energy zoning database from the University of Michigan brings together more than 1,600 local ordinances from six Great Lakes states.