检查单下载地址:https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/ircc/migration/ircc/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm5644e.pdf 检查单本地下载:imm5644e,这个也需要打钩一并邮寄 4. 申请表 Application for a Permanent Resident Card (IMM 5444) (PDF, 1.52MB)5444申请表下载地址:https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/...
1.“永久居民卡申请表(Application for a Permanent Resident Card)”(IMM5444) IMM5444下载链接lifeca.com/wp-content/u 2.“身份证明补充表” (IMM5455):这个表要提交照片并签名 IMM5455下载链接lifeca.com/wp-content/u 3.“Checklist 文件清单(Document Checklist)” (IMM5644):如果邮寄材料,与其他文件一起...
步骤: 登录Canada. ca 点击“Immigration and citizenship” 点击“New immigrants” 再点“Geta permanent resident card” 如果你符合renew PR卡的条件, 直接拉到最后点击 “Sign in or Created Permanent Resident Portal account” 然后你需要填两个表格: IMM5445:直接在网上如实填写就OK, 工作和住址时间要连续, ...
Application for a Permanent Resident Card 两张符合要求的照片 付款的收据 移民纸复印件 枫叶卡正反面复印件 驾照正反面复印件 健康卡正反面复印件 最近5年Canada Revenue Agency发的Notice of Assessment的复印件 护照整本复印(如果5年内换发过新护照的,则老护照也需要整本复印) ...
You can renew your SIN card. Image Credit:PeopleImages/E+/GettyImages If you are currently working in Canada temporarily and you are not a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident, you may be wondering how to renew a Social Insurance Number (SIN). It is required to work in the country le...
Need to renew my expired Chinese passport but my greencard is also expired,...
You are a commuter, or live in Mexico or Canada but work in the United States Once you know you need to renew, you still need to know how to renew a Green Card. The I-90 Process and Timeline There are many steps to take in applying for and receiving your renewed Green Card, as ...
You are turning 14 years old (Once a permanent resident child turns 14 years old, they must apply for a new green card); You are a permanent resident taking up commuter status (Commuter status is when you are a permanent resident who will live in Canada or Mexico and work in the United...
JPDM 🇨🇦🍷🍷🍷 Austin, Canada 54,402 posts 606 helpful votes 6. Re: How do i renew china id card in hong kong? 1 year ago Save This is confusing. Is it the Chinese id card or the Hong Kong permit? Report inappropriate content ...