Let's EncryptUbuntu 20.04 Asked by Shinichi Okada I just got a notice from Let’s Encrypt Expiry Bot: Your certificate (or certificates) for the names listed below will expire in 20 days (on 02 Jul 21 11:11 +0000). Please make sure to renew your certificate before then, or visitors ...
放弃Apache改用Nginx。此番变化后,随之而来的好处就是Let’s证书的自动续期变得更容易,网友可以随着以下过程看看实际配置过程: su root切换到root用户下操作; add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot安装certbot插件 apt install python-certbot-nginx 安装certbot for Nginx vim修改nginx需要使用的域名,这里为charflower....