van der Horst and Rene van der Veer (Attac... Lindsay M (2009) Comments on the article "Changing attitudes towards the care of children in hospital: a new assessment of the influence of the work of Bowlby and Robertson in the UK, 1940-1970" by Frank C.P. van der Horst ... M ...
Carol Farrow,Maryan Geluk,Toshihiro Hattori,Rachel Hazell,Beate Hoffmeister,Martine Horstman,Toshio Ikezaki,Janke Klompmaker,Hilke Krohn,Michael Felix Langer,Chunghie Lee,Couzijn van Leeuwen,Alexander Lidagovsky,Vibeke Lindhardt, Shula Litan,Steve Litsios,Barbara Lorenz,Roberto Mannino,Ruth Moro, Myung...