13). When we examine these results, we see blue, green, and red colors, demonstrating the presence of strong attractions (H-bonds) and Van der Waals interactions39,41,42. These results demonstrate the local and global reactivity of the HPCR molecule and corroborate the experimental results. ...
VANGorlaeusChemInformJ.C. Olde, P.P.Y. Mulder, A. van der Gen, G.R. Mohn, J. Cor- nelisse, J. Lugtenburg, The use of a double Wolff-Kishner re- duction in the preparation of aceanthrene and aceanthrylene, Recl. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas 108 (1989) 79-80....
VAN DER GEN, A.MOHN, G. R.CORNELISSE, J.LUGTENBURG, J.WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbHCheminformJ.C. Olde, P.P.Y. Mulder, A. van der Gen, G.R. Mohn, J. Cor- nelisse, J. Lugtenburg, The use of a double Wolff-Kishner re- duction in the preparation of aceanthrene and aceanthrylene...
Mulder, A. van der Gen, G.R. Mohn, J. Cor- nelisse, J. Lugtenburg, The use of a double Wolff-Kishner re- duction in the preparation of aceanthrene and aceanthrylene, Recl. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas 108 (1989) 79-80.Olde Boerrigter,J.C., Mulder,P.P.J., van der Gen,A., ...
Introduction Since the advent of graphene, much effort has been devoted to the search of two-dimensional (2D) layered materials beyond graphene which can be obtained from the layered van der Waals (vdW) solids [1]. Due to the naturally terminated surface with vdW interactions rather than ...