3.点击RenderDoc中的设置,启用Allow global process hooking4.Enable Global Hook,如果需要提示需要重新启动才能打开的话,点击确认5.点击之后发现Launch按钮置灰,不用担心,现在打开mumu模拟器。6.模拟器左上角出现相关文字提示即可,这个版本只有Vulkan可以抓取,9.0以前版本的mumu是可以抓取openGL的。7.启用钩子,File-> ...
② Launch启动游戏后,然后按F12进行截帧 方法三:使用global process hooking来建立与RenderDoc之间的会话 ①在RenderDoc菜单Tools -- Settings面板的General标签下勾选"Allow global process hooking - be careful" ② 点击菜单:File -- Launch Application,填写exe可执行路径,然后点击"Enable Global Hook"按钮,让hook钩...
② Launch启动游戏后,然后按F12进行截帧 方法三:使用global process hooking来建立与RenderDoc之间的会话 ①在RenderDoc菜单Tools -- Settings面板的General标签下勾选"Allow global process hooking - be careful" ② 点击菜单:File -- Launch Application,填写exe可执行路径,然后点击"Enable Global Hook"按钮,让hook钩...
1.打开RenderDoc,点开Tools下的Settings,在General面板,勾选Allow global process hooking。 2.重启RenderDoc,在Launch Application里点击 Enable Global Hook,勾选Capture Child Processes 3.在Launch Application的Excutable Path这里选择你要截帧的游戏启动的.exe文件,然后不用RenderDoc的Launch,直接鼠标双击启动即可。 截...
设置Gloabl Process Hook Enable Gloal Hook。 mumu1.png 重新打开mumu模拟器。 正常可以看到这个RenderDoc 已经挂载上去了。 屏幕截图 2023-05-29 225258.png 启动要分析的应用。 File->Attck To Runing Instance 选择MuMuVMHeadless 点击Connect To App ...
renderdoc.EnableCrashHandler 0// 取消勾选EnableCrashHandler(截帧崩溃时是否使⽤RenderDoc的crash handler)renderdoc.ReferenceAllResources// 查看ReferenceAllResources(获取所有mesh、材质,纹理等渲染资源,开启该选项会导致帧⽂件很⼤)是否勾选 renderdoc.SaveAllInitials 1// 勾选SaveAllInitials(获取所有mesh...
As RenderDoc will hook into the graphic API commands for profiling, the XR application running with RenderDoc will have rendering defects, tearing, and low FPS. Also, when RenderDoc is capturing, the screen of the XR application will freeze intermittently. The tearing effect and screen freezing do...
As RenderDoc will hook into the graphic API commands for profiling, the XR application running with RenderDoc will have rendering defects, tearing, and low FPS. Also, when RenderDoc is capturing, the screen of the XR application will freeze intermittently. The tearing effect and screen freezing do...
This option can be dangerous which is why you have to deliberately enable it here. Be careful when using this and only do so when necessary - more details can be found in the :ref:`global process hook <global-process-hook>` details. :guilabel:`Enable process injection (restart required)...
More details can be found in the :ref:`capture options page <global-process-hook>` which details how to use it, however you should take care to read the warnings! The global process hooking option isn't without its risks, so you need to be sure you know what you're doing before usin...