ReNcell VM细胞作为分化的神经元的便利来源,为帕金森氏症研究提供了一种有价值的、生理上相关的工具。 ReNcell VM神经干细胞系是由ReNeuron集团开发的,现在由Millipore独家销售,供全世界神经生物学家和干细胞研究人员使用。作为首个推出的人类神经祖细胞系,ReNcell VM细胞能迅速分化成三种神经细胞-神经元、星形胶质细胞和...
¥0.00 货号:SCC010 名称:神经干细胞系 品牌:Merck Millipore 产品描述:神经干细胞系 购买数量: 立即购买 产品信息 ReNcell VM Kit contains human neural progenitor cells, optimized maintenance media and freezing media for culture of human neural stem cells. ReNcell VM Immortalized cells (SCC008): ReNcell...
上海玉博生物科技有限公司 主要致力于“ReNcell VM Immortalized Cell Line Millipore-SCC008”的生产销售。多年的“ReNcell VM Immortalized Cell Line Millipore-SCC008”生产与销售的经验,与各行业新老用户建立了稳定的合作关系,我公司经营的产品名称深受广大用户信赖
ReNcell Neural Stem Cell Freezing Medium is qualified for use with ReNcell immortalized human neural progenitor cell lines, CX (CHEMICON Catalog No. SCC007) and VM (CHEMICON Catalog No. SCC008) cultured in serum-free conditions with ReNcell NSC Maintenance Medium (CHEMICON Catalog No. SCM005)...
上海玉博生物科技有限公司 主要致力于“ReNCell VM Kit Millipore-SCC010”的生产销售。多年的“ReNCell VM Kit Millipore-SCC010”生产与销售的经验,与各行业新老用户建立了稳定的合作关系,我公司经营的产品名称深受广大用户信赖。欢迎来电咨询或前来选购
ReNcell Neural Stem Cell Freezing Medium is qualified for use with ReNcell immortalized human neural progenitor cell lines, CX (CHEMICON Catalog No. SCC007) and VM (CHEMICON Catalog No. SCC008) cultured in serum-free conditions with ReNcell NSC Maintenance Medium (CHEMICON Catalog No. SCM005)...
ReNcell VM cells (CHEMICON® Cat. No. SCC008) are grown as monolayers (A) and express NSC markers, Nestin (B, red, MAB5326) and Sox-2 (B, green, AB5603... Description: ReNcell VM Human Neural Progenitor Cell LIne Trade Name: ...
These data provide the evidence that apoptotic mechanisms in the neural ReNcell VM progenitor cell line are not only functional, but also inducible by external stimuli like growth factor withdrawal or treatment with STS and UVB, which marks this cell line as a suitable model to investigate ...
The immortalized human ReNcell VM cell line represents a reproducible and easy-to-propagate cell culture system for studying the differentiation of neural progenitors. To better characterize the starting line and its subsequent differentiation, we assess
ReNcell VM cells have therefore become a valuable tool for identifying neurodevelopmental pathways, investigating neuronal function8,9 and probing neurodegen- eration pathways including those involving the Aβ and tau pathologies observed in Alzheimer's Disease7. The process of neuronal differentiation ...