CAPTUR II LPG (HFMT)H4D 460999743Hatchback2020-Product|Parameter|Auto Parts CAPTUR II TCe 100 (HFMT)H4D 450999743Hatchback2020-Product|Parameter|Auto Parts CAPTUR II TCe 130 (HFMF)H5H 450 H5H 47013329642020-Product|Parameter|Auto Parts
On the engine side, the Renault Captur now offers petrol (TCe 90 and 140), LPG (TCe 100 LPG) and Plug-in Hybrid (E-TECH Plug-in Hybrid 160) and we look forward to seeing you soon for the arrival of the E-TECH Hybrid versions. The Renault Captur model year 2021 is available in ...
动力系统最有可能推动这一新鲜配制的Captur将是100 TCe,它的1.0 99马力三对五速。最接近它的测试模型是四缸,六速128马力130 TCe,完成了相当于中级水平的标志性发挥和s版是较低和较高的水平骑在18英寸的车轮。 这些是由麦克弗森支柱悬挂在前面和扭梁轴在后方。电动转向系统是一系列辅助装置的启动装置,包括保持...
RENAULT CAPTUR KULÜBÜ Captur 2 ALINABİLECEK CAPTUR'LAR Konular 675 Mesajlar 6.6K Captur su alması Perşembe saat 09:49'de yleventcilingir RENAULT AUSTRAL KULÜBÜ RENAULT AUSTRAL FAN CLUB Konular 10 Mesajlar 57 Austral Techno Esprit Alpine Mild Hybrid Çarşamba saat 09...
RENAULTCAPTUR II2020/01- CAPTUR II 1.0 TCe 90 ECO-G (HFM6)H4D 470999673Hatchback2021- CAPTUR II Blue dCi 115 (HFAD)K9K 873 K9K 8721461854Hatchback2020- CAPTUR II Blue dCi 95 (HFAF)K9K 8721461704Hatchback2020- CAPTUR II E-TECH 160H4M 6301598684Hatchback2020- ...
雷诺Captur的动力来源是TCe 120涡轮增压汽油引擎搭配6速EDC双离合变速箱,能产生类似1.8公升自然进气车型的扭力,即使在较低的转速也能有充沛的力道。同时,这辆出色的跨界车更在燃油效益上,达到了5.4公升可行驶100公里的优越表现。 标准配备及安全系统包括:
CAPTUR II E-TECH 160H4M 6301598684Hatchback2020- CAPTUR II E-TECH 160H4M 63015981164Hatchback2020- CAPTUR II LPG (HFMT)H4D 460999743Hatchback2020- CAPTUR II TCe 100 (HFMT)H4D 450999743Hatchback2020- CAPTUR II TCe 130 (HFMF)H5H 450 H5H 47013329642020- ...
发动机软件很大程度上负责Renault Captur 1.2 TCE 120hp 120HP汽车发动机的行为和油耗。My Chiptuningfiles是一款可专为Renault Captur 1.2 TCE 120hp 120HP车辆定制的软件产品。这可以被视为专门基于油耗定制的程序。使用My Chiptuningfiles,您能获得更强的动力、更平滑的扭矩曲线、更低的油耗、更低转速时扭矩更大、...
Renault Captur 说明书 01. interior trims 02. equipment 03. engines 04. equipment and options
“I found the regular petrol engine in the Captur TCe 90 fairly smooth, although the manual gearshift isn't the slickest and the clutch action is a bit vague.”–Will Nightingale, Reviews Editor Interior The interior layout, fit and finish ...